Welcome to my journey! Forty Days of Sharing.

I have recently been convicted by God that I need to be sharing my faith more. As I've spent time on my tread mill praying, I've sensed God has wanted to stretch me and take me out of my comfort zone. So, hang on to you gospel tracts, here we go!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day #10 - Cleaning teeth and forgiving sins

It's my day off and I went to the dentist for my 6 month teeth cleaning. There is not much I dislike more than having someone scrape on the back of my sensitive teeth until they bleed! But, its only twice a year!

I let the dental tech know my unfavorable feelings about what she was about to do to me, and she affirmed that most people she deals with have the same opinion. She was thankfully gentle, and took her time.

After the cleaning, I handed her a tract and said, "Here's something I'd like to give you to read - it talks about how you can know for sure that you are going to heaven. I like to give one out a day."

She gladly accepted it smiled and said, "Thanks. I'll read it on my lunch break." I could tell she genuinely appreciated my effort to let her know about something that was important to me.

She cleaned my teeth. Hopefully, she'll allow Jesus to clean her sins away. I pray that he would.

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