Welcome to my journey! Forty Days of Sharing.

I have recently been convicted by God that I need to be sharing my faith more. As I've spent time on my tread mill praying, I've sensed God has wanted to stretch me and take me out of my comfort zone. So, hang on to you gospel tracts, here we go!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day #13 - French Fries for Jesus

I had to make a special trip out of the house this afternoon so I could pass out a tract. I thought, "Where will I go?". Since I had to return a Redbox video, I decided to head to my local McDonalds and multiply my time.

I first drove through the drive through and ordered the cheapest thing on the menu - $1.00 fries. After I paid, I handed to young man in the drive through booth a tract and said, "Here's something for you to read. It changed my life. I think it will help you." We had a thoughtful moment of silence as he flipped though it then he looked at my with a tentative smile and said, "Thanks". I smiled and drove off to return my video.

Drive through evangelism - now there's a thought! ;-)

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