Welcome to my journey! Forty Days of Sharing.

I have recently been convicted by God that I need to be sharing my faith more. As I've spent time on my tread mill praying, I've sensed God has wanted to stretch me and take me out of my comfort zone. So, hang on to you gospel tracts, here we go!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day #12 - Ticket for a tract!

Sorry this is a day late in coming - I didn't get out of the house much yesterday, knowing I was going to have a date with my beautiful, wonderful wife in the evening! We went to Jordan Commons for Myan Nachos and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie (very good movie, by the way!).

As we made our way to theater #14, I handed our ticket stubs to the young man in charge. He said, "Straight ahead to your left." I took back our tickets and handed him my ready-in-hand gospel tract. I said, "Here's something for YOU to read on your break." He laughed a nervous laugh and began looking through the tract.

By the way, I put my name and email on all the tracts I hand out so that people can contact me if they want.

My wife and I enjoyed our date and the movie. Sherlock was good at uncovering mysteries - God is good at solving the most important ones, like "When you die, will you go to heaven?"

1 comment:

Tim said...

I'm praying for fruit from all of the seeds you are planting. You are awesome.