Welcome to my journey! Forty Days of Sharing.

I have recently been convicted by God that I need to be sharing my faith more. As I've spent time on my tread mill praying, I've sensed God has wanted to stretch me and take me out of my comfort zone. So, hang on to you gospel tracts, here we go!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day #17 - Home Depot Duo

It's my day off again, and this time Timothy and I made a trip to Home Depot to get some heavy duty tub & shower cleaner. The store was pretty empty, so I had HD assistants eager to help. After one of the associates suggested what kind of cleaner I should buy, I handed him a tract and said, "I go to the Rock Church. This tells about how Jesus changed my life - I like to give them out to people." He seemed genuinely grateful and said, "Thanks!"

We made our way to the check out lane.  After paying, I handed the checkout gal -- who had an apron with "Patty" stenciled across it --  a tract as well. I told her the same thing I told the other guy and she was overjoyed with thankfulness. Two in one trip!

Timothy asked me as we walked away, "Do you think they will read it?" I said, "I think he will." I pray that they BOTH do.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Sharing tracts at Home Depot -- one of the many reasons to go there :-) -- One of your favorite places! Keep up the good work! Mary