Welcome to my journey! Forty Days of Sharing.

I have recently been convicted by God that I need to be sharing my faith more. As I've spent time on my tread mill praying, I've sensed God has wanted to stretch me and take me out of my comfort zone. So, hang on to you gospel tracts, here we go!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day # 24 - Bacon, Egss & Jesus

Sorry this is a day late - I was traveling most of yesterday.  It's good to be home!

I did get a chance to hand our waitress a tract on Wednesday, though. She was very friendly and I simply handed her a tract (after getting my bill) and said, "Isabell (by the way, isn't it nice when waitresses wear name tags?! ;-)), I'd like to give you something to read. It talks about how Jesus has changed my life, and I love telling people about it."

She was a bit tentative, but smiled and said, "Thank you."

After breakfast and a couple more hours of meetings,  I got on a plane and headed west to Utah!

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